Available Paintings
16 artworks
Available Drawings
5 artworks
Recent Paintings I (Sold out)
18 artworks
Recent Paintings II (Sold out)
16 artworks
Works on wood (Sold out)
31 artworks
Series of paintings in oil, pigments and natural resin created between 2019 and 2020
Works on canvas (Sold out)
7 artworks
Series of oils created between 2019 and 2020
Organic/Cosmic (Some available)
9 artworks
Series of drawings exploring the inherent connection of 'the organic' and 'the cosmic' - truly realizing this has literally turned my world around and brought about some amazing new openings in my work
Works on Paper (Sold out)
14 artworks
Smaller works in oil pastels, ink, charcoal, chalk and paint made between 2017 and 2019
Sculpture (Some available)
9 artworks
Sculpting is meditation; and form is an opening. I love how long it takes to carve each of them...
Printmaking (Some available)
13 artworks
Selection of monotypes, woodcuts and linocuts 2014-2020