Przemek Kret

If there is tiniest bit of dust in your eye, flowers in the sky will fall profusely

oil on board, 2022

The Dreamer Awakens
oil on board, 2022
It happens every once in a while. An awakening within a dream. Sudden lucidity when all becomes vivid and unbound

Through the Gateless Barrier
oil on board, 2022

Thicket Abode
oil on board 2023

oil on board, 2022
Nothing As It Seems
oil on linen, 2022
"Things are not as they seem,
nor are they otherwise
(the Lankavatara Sutra)
Reaching Out
oil on linen 2023

Coming empty-handed, going empty-handed – that is human.
When you are born, where do you come from?
When you die, where do you go?
Life is like a floating cloud which appears.
Death is like a floating cloud which disappears.
The floating cloud itself originally does not exist.
Life and death, coming and going, are also like that.
But there is one thing which always remains clear.
It is pure and clear, not depending on life and death.

Then what is the one pure and clear thing?

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