Przemek Kret


I've realized there are a few friends and collectors that return and visit this place every now and than, so - apart from the relatively stable sections with my portfolio (that you can browse using the menu on top of the page) - I've thought to put up also this current musings section, that I will try update on more regular basis. Probably just sharing what I'm currently working on, maybe put together some words to accompany images etc. 

January '25

Reality as such is perfectly still, it's our minds that keep ceaslessly moving.
(there is more to it of course but this is
definitely a perspective one should seriously look into for a moment!)

Reality as such is perfectly still...
graphite on paper,30x40

The drawing itself is a true story. A scene, witnessed years ago, in a small Buddhist temple in Laos. Tropical, starry night; cozy and calm (Laos still being very unspoiled and peacefull corner of Asia back than). A makeshift carrousel has been set up for local kids, on the temple grounds - blurred shapes and lights going round and round endlessly, while the ancient Buddhas, carved into temple walls witness with umoved serenity. So casual and so timelessly evocative at once. I knew I would need to paint or draw this one day - it took a while, but I finaly did, recently. Really enjoyed going back to that night, and contemplating it again.

Looks like -after a few years of mostly painting- I will be coming back to drawingboard again. There is something nicely intimate and somehow more realxed about this medium (in conmparison to oil painting) that I currently value, and will likely be doing it more regularly again.

January '25

charcoal on paper, 100x70
Another perfect moment from Asia to go along the previous post. Years later, a shanty town on the outskirts of a Malaysian town, I forgot the name of. Fascinating neibourhood, with abandoned colonial villas, derelic and run down by time, now inhabited by local, poor Hindu population. Sounds somewhat uninviting but actually I'd choose it over any other part of town without hesitation - with lush greenery covering everything, this kind of semi-outdoor, immersed arrangement and with truly connected human comunity - they shared their food and had us staying with them long into the night.
Anyway, the scene, with the young girl striding, with that awesome young confidence, in her twice-oversised sandals, through a vignete of tree canopy and makeshift outdoor kitchen. Some moments are just complete like this.
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